Can I cancel my delivery offer?

For travelers

Yes, as long as your shopper has not accepted your delivery offer, you can withdraw your offer. However, after the shopper accepts your delivery offer, you have committed to delivering the item.

If you absolutely can no longer deliver the item, you can still cancel your delivery offer, but this may negatively affect your profile rating. Frequent cancellations will result in permanent suspension from the platform.

Remember to send a message to the shopper so he or she knows that you can no longer deliver their item and will be canceling delivery of the order. This is an important aspect of our community guidelines and helps bolster trust among shoppers and travelers.


My shopper wants me to cancel the order but I already purchased the product

Shoppers cannot cancel an order after they have accepted a delivery offer. If a shopper no longer wants their item, they may message you to ask if you can cancel it.

If you already purchased their item, you are not obligated to cancel the order. However, if you’ve kept a copy of your receipt, you can try to return it to the online retailer where you bought it. This way, both you and your shopper will be reimbursed.

If you are not able to return the item, please contact our Support Team so we can help.


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