How do I know that my traveler will deliver my order?
It is in the best interest of travelers to deliver the orders they have made offers for. Travelers purchase the item with their own money first and are not reimbursed until after they have delivered the item.
We have a peer rating and review system in place so you can check the reliability of all travelers before accepting their offers.
While sometimes the travelers offering to deliver your order may be new to the platform, we also have measures in place to quickly get them up to speed and learn the basics. We run a program called Traveler Training, those who pass the test get awarded a badge. Look out for them!
We also encourage to meet in public places for convenience and safety. If you haven’t heard back from your traveler regarding your in-person meeting, contact our customer service team so we will help.
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- What happens after I pay for my order?
- What can I order on Grabr?
- How do I create an order?
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- What happens after I create an order?
- Why do I need to pay in advance?
- My traveler is not responding
- Why does my traveler buy my item?